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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Spark Eletran
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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by Spark Eletran Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:29 pm







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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by OverlordJ Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:54 am

I'm always excited when I see you guys are excited Very Happy

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by invisibleTerrarium Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:41 pm



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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by OverlordJ Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:51 pm

I barely know what's going on with that E3 stuff, because I don't keep up with that stuff, but I saw a picture of a Link in Zelda's clothing and I approve of that.

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by d_what Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:19 am


EDIT: haha I just noticed an irony in my post. But my conclusions are nevertheless factual, and there's no "other side" to it. It is, in fact, a meta-argument, separate from any specific argument itself.

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by OverlordJ Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:41 pm

Eh, I'd need some context to judge whether or not that is rude, but unless there is a context that makes it sound rude, it seems mostly fine to me.

Also, many people will take offense when they are in an argument and someone tells them they are doing the argument wrong. Whether or not you are right, the people that are making the mistake are also the people least likely to listen to your advice in that situation.

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by d_what Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:52 pm

OverlordJ wrote:
Whether or not you are right, the people that are making the mistake are also the people least likely to listen to your advice in that situation.

>my face when I read this

Picture a moment of calm. Then, a sudden realisation that in exactly half an hour you have to change a diaper. On a pig. Who is incontinent. And frisky. And has been eating smelly chunky things that don't digest well. In a sewage tank. And that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that you can do to remotely change these circumstances. That is an approximate description of my face, when faced with this unfortunate truth. *sigh*

Edit: guys this is so interesting :O if it had a Pokémon in it and maybe some choice Terry Pratchett quotes it would cover basically all of my interests! http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jun/18/google-image-recognition-neural-network-androids-dream-electric-sheep
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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by cephalopodAscendant Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:08 am

That is interesting. And trippy.

Anyways, check this out: a guide to competitive breeding on the official Pokémon site. Looks like the closest we'll get to an official term for IV's is individual strengths.

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by OverlordJ Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:46 am

Those dream images are awesome

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by d_what Sat Jun 20, 2015 6:47 pm

So, guys, which webcomics or webseries have you been browsing in your spare time? It'd be nice to know which ones I share and which fantastic ones I'm missing.

Things I like (in no particular order) :
BardQuest and its spinoff Parabard Space
Paranatural (thank you, Zack Morrison, for existing)
Cucumber Quest (RPG tropes out the wazoo, and wonderful villains)
GastroPhobia(short updates, but always humorous; cartoon-network vibe)
Injustice: Gods Among Us (DC Batman V Superman. Fun stuff, lots of death, good to brush up on DC heroes)
XKCD ("relevant to my interests")
Floraverse - Seeds (mostly for PK's art and worldbuilding, fast updates and interesting cast)

Things I remain unconvinced about:
Ava's Demon - don't get me wrong, really great premise and art. But it updates SO. SLOWLY. AND ERRATICALLY. I feel anybody buying the Kickstarter books one and two are really just buying a prologue!
Monster Pulse - It's fine! I just don't know why I read it. Not in a mean way - I mean I literally don't know why. Possibly because of its really well timed updates?
Crossed: The Webcomic - It's a (finished) comic about a guy who's surviving a Zombie apocalypse. It's not humorous, it's kind of gory. IDK though. The art is boring, the characters unlikeable, and it's not really anything new or interesting. I still read it to the end though so YMMV.
Dead Winter: Ava's Demon sydrome again. Updates too slowly to bother checking it, but it's the kind of comic that requires a single run-through. Call me again when it's finished.

Things I remain especially unconvinced about, or actually can't be bothered reading anymore:
MonsterKind - (*), slowish updates and meagre content. Reeeeeeally meagre.
Sister Claire - Updates pretty slowly, good premise and content, but it's fallen off my medium-list due to recent and sudden (*) (*)
Helvetica - Ava's Demon syndrome without the previous content to back it up. It'll go up the list as it gets more content.
Skin Deep - (*) (*) (*) (*) omg (*)
Penny Arcade - The reverse XCKD; "not relevant to my interests". I don't get most of the jokes?
Cyanide and Happiness - Best enjoyed when randomly seen on Facebook, and not browsed through IMO.

Explanation of (*):
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Post by ilikeoctopus Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:41 pm

Ah, I'm up for this! I've been following fewer webcomics than before college, but:

I do agree with Paranatural and XKCD--Paranatural's humor is great and XKCD is... what it is.

I also agree that Ava's Demon is waaaay too slow. I lost track of a while ago and haven't looked back since.

Monsterkind I do personally enjoy. I do agree that it updates kind of slowly and with little payback, but it's the sort of thing that's pretty easy to follow and let sit for a few weeks before checking back.

Girl Genius is also one that I tend to let sit, but it has pretty meaty updates. I'm not the biggest fan of the art style, but I find the alternate steampunk universe pretty interesting and the characters... well, fun.

Namesake is one of my favorites, with a relaxing sort of art style and an intriguing plot about fictional worlds from literature that are in actuality real. The plot keeps getting deeper and there's a lot of backstory, which I enjoy!

Awkward Zombie is just kind of fun to look at every now and then when it updates.

Q2Q Comics--I just have very fond memories of being a theatre tech in high school, so these always make me smile.

And that's about it, really. Looking forward to reading everything you guys post!

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by cephalopodAscendant Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:18 pm

I've got a ton. I'll second Cucumber Quest, xkcd, Awkward Zombie, and Girl Genius. There's also:

Blasphemous Saga Fantasy - Despite the name, there's really nothing offensive about it, unless you're one of those crazy people who gets offended at anything fantasy. It's kind of similar to Cucumber Quest, but slightly more subdued and not quite as pretty.
Darths & Droids - What if the Star Wars movies were a tabletop gaming campaign? For one thing, they'd make a whole lot more sense. Notable achievements include making Jar Jar likable. It started with Episode I, and they've just gotten to Episode VI, with plans to tackle Disney's sequel trilogy as well.
Freefall - A sci-fi comic about one of the strangest ship crews you'll ever see. Sam Starfall is the cowardly, thieving captain, and an alien from the first race humanity ever encountered. His second-in-command, Helix, is a naive robot who was designed to pick things up and put them down. Rounding out the list is their engineer Florence, an uplifted wolf designed as a proof-of-concept for a method that could let humanity colonize planets that have opposite-chirality amino acids. In case that last part didn't tip you off, the comic's got a fair amount of actual science behind it, even if Sam and Helix do try the whole "JATO strapped to a truck" thing early on. Lately, it's also been exploring the ethics of artificial intelligence, particularly when it's spread on a global scale.
Manly Guys Doing Manly Things - A commando from the future runs a temp agency for ludicrously macho pop culture characters. It's... really hard to describe, but it's absolutely hilarious. One of the characters is probably the worst Pokémon trainer ever (or maybe the best, depending on your viewpoint).
Moképon - A warped take on the original Pokémon games and the anime. The protagonist, Atticus, really doesn't want to go on his journey, but nobody's really giving him much of a choice in the matter.
Order of the Stick - If you haven't heard of Order of the Stick, I don't know what to tell you. Stick figures in a 3.5E D&D world. The plot can get surprisingly dark at times.
Precocious - Think Calvin and Hobbes if there were an entire fifth grade class full of him. Together, these kids get up to some major destruction, and it's absolutely hilarious.
Rusty and Co. - A Mimic, a Rust Monster, and a Gelatinous Cube form an adventuring party. They're about as good at it as you might expect.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - A middle ground between xkcd and Cyanide and Happiness. Alternatively, The Far Side, if it could get away with more sexual content.
The Adventures of Dr. McNinja - He's a ninja who's also got a medical license. And it's awesome. He's also got a gorilla for a receptionist, and a mustachioed teenage sidekick who rides a velociraptor. In case you haven't figured it out, logic and realism are not hallmarks of this comic.
The Non-Adventures of Wonderella - A mish-mash of Superman and Wonder Woman, Wonderella is... not so good at this whole "hero" thing. Also includes parodies of several other superheroes and supervillains.

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Post by kotakun Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:55 pm

i dont really have much to add i mean i follow so few and xkcd oots and maps have already been mentioned probably the only one that i could add is
irregular webcomic - from one of the creator of darths and droids (or should i say darths and droids was from the creator of iwc because he spun it off) its a ton of geeky humor from dungeons and dragons to indiana jones to william shakespeare to mythbusters to nigerian prince scam emails
officially it ended in 2011 however the author decided to rerun the strips from the beginning except on sundays where there would be discussions about things like scientific theory or the laws of thermodynamics or cameras however recently even this has changed to creating more new comics twice a week

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by Spark Eletran Sun Jun 21, 2015 12:25 am


The Black Brick Road of Oz.

So, first of all - Made by Xamag. The one from the HS art team! Y'know, [S] Wake, the shot of two people looking at each other in Cascade... Also the A6A6I5 flash, most of the contributions in it... And a buncha other stuff too ofc.

Unfortunately the original cover pic is down or something? I'm not sure. That cover u see there is very non-indicative of the overall tone of the story though don't be fooled! Here, this is the original one. AMAZING art of course, like seriously art inspiration right there, A+ character designs and everything... It has some interesting interactive flash stuff too, which is to be expected. And the story...
Though, ofc, it still seems to mostly be in the first stages story-wise (we just barely finished meeting all the main characters!), I do think it seems reaaaaally interesting so far. Xamag's posted some stuff in other sources (deviantart mostly) that lets us have a slight idea of what's to come (not much, don'tworry, and it's technically a bit of a spoiler anyways) and... Wow. I rly like it personally and find it rly interesting and just aAAART
The only downside is the speed, since it does go a page per week. It also tends to slow down a bit more when flashes come, with slight mini-breaks, which has become more recent lately. She's aware of it and has said herself that she hopes to get outta hiatus zone after the next flash due to summer!

Another great webcomic, too, is The Property of Hate! Pretty great art (It doesn't look that bad in the beginning outside of a few palette choices but as time goes in it's just DAMN) and super interesting story with lots of focus on the human mind and emotions and our subconscious and how all that works.

It updates consistently one page per week, buuut... Right now the author's got an injured right arm, which led to it going on hiatus since she can't draw. Well, she can with her left hand but it's obviously much harder and not quite as good ofc. So, until that problem's taken care of, no updates on it probably which sucks :<
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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by OverlordJ Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:07 am

My opinions on comic others posted about:

Comics I read that haven't been meantioned (I think):

EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm reading the Black Brick Road to Oz, but I wish it would update more frequently...

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by Spark Eletran Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:37 am

Wow u guys read a lotta comics damn

I literally read like. those two. Oh and also Awful Hospital, rite - Which btw is like this almost mspa-ish comic on Bogleech with cool-looking art and gr8 humor and it updates one page per day too (tho one mspa page in this case, ofc)
Actually kinda hard to keep up with it almost :0 Rly cool tho
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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by d_what Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:18 am

Lol OJ BardQuest was a joke, it's one of Andrew's titular mspaint adventures. And "parabard space" was an allusion to Paradox Space.

I have started into Namesake, intriguing but its too early to say anything yet. It reminds me a lot of Black Brick Road through, for obvious reasons. Which I *have* read but entirely forgot about, and...
Listen, the art is Xamag, of course its great. But
1) you can tell English isn't her first language
2) too much alluded-to-characterisation and mystery, not enough exposition. Well over half the time I'm making John's "?" face. I just don't know what the deal is with pretty much all of the characters!

I also forgot to mention Lackadaisy Cats! Which is on a whole other level. Like HS, I feel iffy about including it as a Webcomic, but this time its because the art transcends webcomics. Alas, it doesn't update often either, hopefully by the time I'm 30 I can purchase a full book's worth of the story.

If I had to recommend any two, it'd be injustice and seeds. Injustice because it's lolworthy in regards to the amount of cliffhangers it has, but its well into year 4 and has a LOT of content. It's just the kind of thing you have to see. Also, Supes and Harley Quinn have their best characterisation since forever. You don't need to be a comic book fan to read them :0
Seeds because if you read seeds then we can design a species together! It's under an open licence so anybody can add to the world, only since the Kickstarter PK has raised the bar for actually getting canonised (i.e pay money and we'll talk).

Hmmm gosh fascinating that sure is a fascinating and familiar  art style there hmm I wonder who this mystery artist is hmmm gosh so mysterious???????
Edit: lol I forgot OGLAF too. Man, it is SO NSFW, but it is also pretty funny.

E: take floraverse off my recommended. The seeds storyline has been dropped for various... What Hussie would probably call masturbatory self-insert characters with mysteries upon mysteries and no actual base to build upon. Sigh!

Last edited by d_what on Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by OverlordJ Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:51 am

d_what wrote:Lol OJ BardQuest was a joke, it's one of Andrew's titular mspaint adventures. And "parabard space" was an allusion to Paradox Space.

Derp, not sure how I missed that I must have been WAY too tired.

I also forgot to mention Lackadaisy Cats! Which is on a whole other level. Like HS, I feel iffy about including it as a Webcomic, but this time its because the art transcends webcomics.

I do like the art and I've seen this one before but I don't think I've actually read it...

If I had to recommend any two, it'd be injustice and seeds.

I think I've seen Seeds before. And is Injustice a Webcomic? I thought Injustice Gods Among us or whatever was a regular comic?

Hmmm gosh fascinating that sure is a fascinating and familiar  art style there hmm I wonder who this mystery artist is hmmm gosh so mysterious???????

That looks quite lovely Very Happy

Speaking of Comic we forgot about, allow me to link Archipelago it has quite a bit of pages, but nothing a Homestuck reader couldn't handle. I quite enjoy the story. It's fantasy-ish, I'd say, but I'm not sure how to describe it. I linked the first page, by the way, so the art style does improve.

And how the heck did noone link Prequel yet? Do you like Homestuck? Do you like Elder Scrolls? Do you like somewhat slow but awesomly animated updates with a story that already has epic moments and is still just in the beginning? Try Prequel.

Last edited by OverlordJ on Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:07 am; edited 1 time in total

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by d_what Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:04 am

Yeah it's a regular comic, only it isn't printed, so it is put on the web, making it a, uh, web, comic...


The Last Halloween is good but I need more content, stat! >:0 I've archived the whole thing between posting these messages!
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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by OverlordJ Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:12 am

Huh, I didn't know that about Injustice.

Last Halloween Updates like once a week I think. Not especially fast but at least consistent

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by cephalopodAscendant Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:36 pm

Oh right, I need to go back and give Archipelago another chance. Part of the problem is that the RSS feed routinely breaks, so I don't actually get updates for months at a time. Also I've completely lost track of the characters and plot. I've read a few Oglaf comics here and there, but I haven't ever read it straight through. It's definitely NSFW: The Comic.

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by Spark Eletran Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:59 pm

d_what wrote:1) you can tell English isn't her first language

... well I mean
looks at self
I can't really say anything about that yknow. :0
Brazil and all. Also kinda wanna make a webcomic someday. Yeaaaah. :0

d_what wrote:2) too much alluded-to-characterisation and mystery, not enough exposition. Well over half the time I'm making John's "?" face. I just don't know what the deal is with pretty much all of the characters!

Ehh. I mean, we're literally in an arc talking about the backstory of one of the characters right now so... Shrug. I don't see the problem myself.

also I haven't read like any of these comics except for like AZ and Ava's Demon lolwhoops
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Post by invisibleTerrarium Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:13 pm

Ohoho, i love me some webcomics.

I highly recommend the following three that no one has suggested yet:

Gunnerkrigg Court: A Harry-Potter-esque magical school story that's deeply rooted in world mythology and English culture and history. Also, the art is gorgeous. Forgive the stylization at the beginning, it improves very quickly.

Witchy: Based around the interesting concept that hair length dictates magic power. The art's fantastic and the coloring's quite pretty. Facial expressions are a definite highlight here.

Penelope: This is in no way a shameless plug for my friend's comic, but he's a great artist, the comic has social justice themes, and SO MANY FINAL FANTASY IN-JOKES.


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Post by Xaber Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:41 am

gunnerkrigg court is amazing i would highly recommend it
order of the stick is also really good if you can get through the first ~200 pages of dumb D&D jokes

so far nobody's (fuck sorry OJ) recommended Unsounded, which is a pretty good epic fantasy (it gets pretty dark though and there's graphic violence and some nudity so be warned), and Stand Still Stay Silent, which is a [censored by the d_what hegemony] semi-fantasy adventure that has amazing art

Last edited by Xaber on Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity. Empty Re: General Chat: Yeah, no. I'm still your benevolent neighborhood deity.

Post by d_what Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:15 pm

Okay, wow, I'm really glad I asked. This has been highly informative, guys!

So of *all of those* I have successfully added Last Halloween and Stand Still Stay Silent to my mental "check this" list; Namesake is on there but it's not gonna be something I check regularly. I think any single page isn't gonna be too useful and is best read archivally, like Dead Winter. (So is SS SS actually, but I'll forgive that because I like the art Razz)

I've actually read Unsounded before!! But I forgot I had. I only read the first chapter because it had been hosted on Imgur, but it was so popular that day the servers crashed and I'd forgotten about it. Thanks for reminding me, Xaber and OJ! (Actually you might wanna remove the description of Stand Still, I think it works better as a surprise ;P)

I feel like I need to have badges made. "Life is too short to not read webcomics" or, the bastardised version for knock off t-shirts:


uuururrrrrgghhh. >X|
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